
Bring Your People and Brand Together With Archetypes

Bring Your People and Brand Together With Archetypes

Archetypal narratives have been present in brands almost since the moment Carl Jung identified them in 1919. But there hasn't always been a way to align them with an organization's cultural archetype. The new CultureTalk™ platform makes that possible and BrandFoundations is one the first partners certified to use it. 

It's Time to Balance Big Data with "Big Heart"

It's Time to Balance Big Data with "Big Heart"

Data analytics have firmly captured the imagination of business leaders everywhere. And across every functional department – from logistics to HR - it seems there is cloud-based “big data” solution designed to help businesses make sense of huge volumes of data. In theory, this should drive closer relationships and stronger connections between brands and their audiences. Yet as most CEO's know, deep and enduring brand loyalty has never been harder to achieve and maintain. Why?

Tear Down The Marketing-HR Wall

Tear Down The Marketing-HR Wall

As more and more previously differentiating capabilities become “me too” features embedded in the cloud and apps, the technology becomes less unique, and a company’s brand is increasingly shaped by its people. Companies need to speak with one voice to their customers, partners and employees alike. They are all part of the same tribe – people who believe what you believe.